Tuesday, January 4, 2011


First off, happy new year!!

Now to business.

I have been and will always be terrible at keeping diaries, journals, blogs, what-have-you.
I love fancy diaries, I adore moleskine, but it's best if I don't buy them at all because I will only be donating my money to the bookstores and fancy journal makers but I will not put my journals to its best use.

This blog is the perfect example. See the timestamp of the last post and you will know what I mean.
I completely forgot that this blog even existed and would probably never open it again if my dear friend Bulan didn't tell me that she read my blog.

I was like, "Huh? What blog? Do I even have one?"

And I really didn't remember anything about it. I didn't even remember the address of the blog in question. *Forgive me, blogspot, for I have sinned*


It's a new year, a fresh start is in order.
Let's make this a challenge, shall we, to make things interesting?

I'll challenge myself to write three posts per week, minimum, and we'll see if the habit grew on me.



Bulan said...

woohoo!! *joget2..

background caem niiii...silky banget deeeh..hehehe

one little corner said...

and you have failed, my friend. harharhar

dimanakah 3 post dalam seminggu?

and i have revealed my blog identity. there, there. :p

silk said...

yeah yeah I failed miserably. I have never succeeded in maintaining journals. you've been warned. hahahha